

Patient: 28 years, female

Clinical situation: Gummy smile, short clinical crowns, gum overlapping the anatomical crown – altered passive eruption

Surgical solution: Crown lengthening from #15-#24

Surgery date: November 2015

Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ana Ferro | MALO CLINIC
Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ana Ferro | MALO CLINIC

Treatment Planning

Crown lengthening #15-#24

  • Gingivectomy
  • Osteoplasty
Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ana Ferro | MALO CLINIC

Surgical Procedure

  • Important to probe the Enamel-cemental junction and design the future margin of the gingiva
  • After gingivectomy and flap rasing, we noticed the distance from ECJ – Crestal bone did not respect the Biological Width
Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ana Ferro | MALO CLINIC
Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ana Ferro | MALO CLINIC
  • Osteotomy was necessary to prevent any relapse of gingival growth


Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ana Ferro | MALO CLINIC
Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ana Ferro | MALO CLINIC
Dr. Ana Ferro - Malo Clinic

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