

Patient: 53 years, female

Clinical situation: Several teeth missing in mandible, pain in chewing and not conformable with the removable denture.

Surgical solution: All-on-4 Mandible

Restorative solution: Provisional: All-Acrylic Bridge
Dra. Mariana Capelas

Surgery date: February 2015

All-on-4 Mandible – Immediate functionAll-on-4 Mandible – Immediate function

Treatment Planning

1st phase:

  • All-on-4 Mandible
  • Maloclinic All-Acrylic Bridge

2nd phase

  • Maloclinic Acrylic Bridge
All-on-4 Mandible – Immediate function

Surgical Procedure

Incision and full-thickness flap raising with the identification of the mental foramina

All-on-4 Mandible – Immediate function

Incision and full-thickness flap raising with the identification of the mental foramina

All-on-4 Mandible – Immediate function
All-on-4 Mandible – Immediate functionAll-on-4 Mandible – Immediate function

After the All-on-4 Guide placement, we start the drilling of the posterior implants.

Underpreparation Protocol allow a good implant stability according to bone density.

All-on-4 Mandible – Immediate functionAll-on-4 Mandible – Immediate function

Placement of anterior implants


All-on-4 Mandible – Immediate function
Dr. Ana Ferro - Malo Clinic

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